Who we are
National PTA® is the oldest and largest child advocacy association in America.
We encourage every single Almond parent to join our PTA each year. We are all parents who are invested in our children feeling safe, supported, and included so they can be successful in school and in life.
Only PTA members have voting privileges to decide how PTA funds are used.
Everyone is invited to attend our PTA General Meetings, typically held the 4th Wednesday of the month in the multi right after assembly. Refer to the Calendar for specific dates and times
The Almond Parent Teacher Association (PTA) welcomes you to the 2024-25 school year and invites you to join our PTA. The PTA’s primary purpose is to enrich the experiences of all Almond students. Almond PTA accomplishes this goal by providing both monetary and volunteer support.
Our PTA is right at the heart of Almond, building the connections between teachers, school staff, students, parents, neighbors and the wider community to support our students. As a member, you will have the opportunity to get involved in large or small ways at Almond School, meet other parents, and vote on PTA related activities. Anyone can become a member; dues are $50 for family membership. Additional (tax-deductible) donations are welcome and provide additional support.
Your PTA membership will:
Support your child by bringing parents and teachers together to promote the education, health, safety and well-being of Almond students.
Support our teachers. The PTA coordinates room parents and classroom volunteers, and it pays for classroom supplies and instructional materials.
Builds the Almond community. The PTA publishes the Almond School Directory and organizes fun family events such as the Ice Cream Social, Walk Or Wheel, Family Science Night, GLOW party, and the Spring Gala Auction.
Support enrichment opportunities at Almond School. The PTA contributes to the Living Classroom Program, the Art Docent Program, and funds the Primary Grade Music Program. PTA also provides funding for the Almond School library
It is never too late to join the PTA. Click on the “Join PTA” link on your profile in Classroom Parent, or reach out to our VP of Membership to join! Our goal is 100% participation.
For additional information, please contact PTA President Laura Gao or PTA EVP Jess Shambora at info@almondpta.org
To Get Involved: parent involvement is the greatest predictor of student success!
To Advocate for Our Children: PTA’s voice is heard locally and nationally!
To Stay Connected: there’s no better way to know what’s happening at our school!
To Be Counted: only members vote and have a say on PTA programs, funding, and more!
To Witness Improvement: be part of the solution, helping to make positive changes!
To Ensure Our Kids Have What They Need: our PTA funds technology purchases, art programs, classroom materials and more!
Technology Purchases Classroom Supplies/Materials
K-3 Humanities Program – Music, Art, Dance, Drama
Teacher Training Stipends School Supplies and Photocopying
School Assemblies, Colonial Day, Science Fair & Expo
Library Materials Playground Equipment, PE Equipment
The Almond PTA also organizes room parents for every classroom . . coordinates parent volunteers for the classroom, library, and playground . . organizes the Scholastic Book Fairs . . sponsors Bookwave . . and much more!