How we work together to ensure your child’s success

Los Altos School District (LASD)

  • Seven elementary schools and two junior highs

  • Overseen by Superintendent Sandra McGonagle and the LASD school board (5 members elected by the public)

  • Provides for facilities and core curriculum, including teachers and administrators

Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF)

  • Supports all 9 schools in the district

  • Provides grants to LASD to pay for specialty staff such as PE teachers, Music Teachers (grades 4-6), and dedicated librarians

  • Oversees Living Classroom and Art Docents

  • Funds electives at the Junior High


  • Is specific to Almond (all 9 LASD schools have their own autonomous PTA)

  • Builds community by planning opportunities for families to come together

    • Ice Cream Social, Walkathon, GLOW, and more

  • Staff Appreciation

  • Supplementary educational opportunities

    • Special assemblies, Starting Arts for TK-3, teacher innovation grants, and more

  • Coordinates volunteers on campus