How we work together to ensure your child’s success
Los Altos School District (LASD)
Seven elementary schools and two junior highs
Overseen by Superintendent Sandra McGonagle and the LASD school board (5 members elected by the public)
Provides for facilities and core curriculum, including teachers and administrators
Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF)
Supports all 9 schools in the district
Provides grants to LASD to pay for specialty staff such as PE teachers, Music Teachers (grades 4-6), and dedicated librarians
Oversees Living Classroom and Art Docents
Funds electives at the Junior High to learn more
Is specific to Almond (all 9 LASD schools have their own autonomous PTA)
Builds community by planning opportunities for families to come together
Ice Cream Social, Walkathon, GLOW, and more
Staff Appreciation
Supplementary educational opportunities
Special assemblies, Starting Arts for TK-3, teacher innovation grants, and more
Coordinates volunteers on campus